Off The Record

Thoughts ideas and questions to share with any one who has way to much time on their hands to read this blog.

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In the beginning...

Well I'm onto my first post and what do you know, I can't think of anything to post. I'm more interested in how this things works... Carving up all the html code... Nice

I will leave with this - I think everyone is a perfectionist! True, and I'm not saying that to defened my little corner of the universe (I am a recovering perfectionist) - but in our own little way there are certain limits to when the quality of work is, well unacceptable.

Regardless if it is having the sound cables laid neatly, sheets on the bed laid evenly or symmetrical or ensuring all the factors to making great coffee are adhered too... We all define our limits.

My challenge is for you to discover you area of perfection...


12 Responses to “In the beginning...”

  1. # Blogger Vania

    hey baby,
    yes the sheets do have to be straight on the bed and i don't care if you think i'm anal! its my piece of perfectionism and i'm gonna fight for it. I wuv you. see you in the sheets...  

  2. # Blogger jeanie

    Hey Reuben! Welcome to you, too...

    Another one down.

    By the way, I'm with you on being a perfectionist. I'm proud to be one all the way-even if it means I'm crazy and drive everyone crazy too. :)  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Hey Reuben baby, see you in the sheets. purrrrr. Hear me roar, I am man! wink wink  

  4. # Blogger Geekery

    What's the point of making the bed when you'e just gonna mess it all up when you go to bed again?  

  5. # Blogger sewfunky

    Hahaha! Spoken like a true "Read" there OnScreen...

    I am a recovering "perfectionist", I now know it is impossible to reach perfection this side of heaven - so am holding out until then.  

  6. # Blogger Geekery

    Is my wife following me through the bloggisphere?  

  7. # Blogger BJ

    Perfection is writing the perfect blog and then never updating...  

  8. # Blogger BJ

    Perfection is writing the perfect comment to the perfect blog and then it never getting updated forever...  

  9. # Blogger DefSol

    Stop Press
    Vicious rumour new post might be soon  

  10. # Blogger BJ

    I heard the rumour but...  

  11. # Blogger BJ

    This blog has everything: perfection in posting, numerous comments and now...suspense...  

  12. # Anonymous Anonymous
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