Off The Record

Thoughts ideas and questions to share with any one who has way to much time on their hands to read this blog.


It's been awhile since my last post but I found this on a new blog I found today


It's odd but:

-when we are at work we look forward to home/leisure time. And yet when we are at home we worry about work. Decide that wherever you are, you will be there.
Be here now.

-the more we earn, the more we spend. Decide to manage your finances and build your financial independence.

-we spend a lot of time buying stuff to make us happy although we know that want we really want is some time to ourself.
Decide to be time-rich rather than stuff-rich and time-poor.

-we want to be happy so we buy the porshe (err Audi) because it will make us feel young again and will atttract the girls and that will make us happy.
Why not simply decide to be happy?

-we put a load of money into our pension fund, but we have no idea what it will provide for us.
Ask questions.

Check out more here

The other post that got my attention is

S is Success

Help your child understand what success really is. Increasingly society will seduce them into believing it is money, fame and stuff. Ironically most who acquire those find they do not really help at all.

Help your son or daughter to realise true success is doing what they are passionate about. To achieve that they will have to put aside much 'good' advice of others and learn to be true to themselves. You can help them have courage in this area.

Check it out here

2 Responses to “Inspired”

  1. # Blogger Vania

    you may not post very often, but when you do I feel... "inspired"  

  2. # Blogger jeanie


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