Off The Record

Thoughts ideas and questions to share with any one who has way to much time on their hands to read this blog.

Greatest ROI

For those of you outside IT/IS and business levels, ROI is a term that stands for
Return on Investment

It is quite a common term which it's basic philosphy is what gain am I going to get for that cost?

When I was flicking through I found an intersting post about the best ROI for church growth.

If you want to build your church, you need to put your best with the kids.

If you love people’s kids, you’ll get their time and attention.

This was at this year’s C3 Conference, Dr. Ed Young of Second Baptist Church (Houston, TX) shared his thoughts on the link between church growth and children’s ministry

This was interesting to me becasue of the timing. cession|community run a Easter Egg Hunt where we were budgeting on 50 kids attending. We had 104 kids turn up.

I guess now we know we can get their attention, the next step is to reflect God's love to the kids.

I have always wanted to atttend a C3 conference I have a DVD of the 2nd conference which featured Ed Young, Greg Laurie and Andy Stanley.

I have just order the DVD's for 2006 & 2005. Can't wait to check em out.

Don't worry hun, comapny expense - Professional Development

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