Baby Coco was born September 11 at 9.40pm and Baby Coco is a boy.
Baby coco has not officially been named yet, so is still being referred by it's womb name. Stay tuned for details.
Baby weighed 4.555kg which is 10.1 lbs
Length 57cm
Head Circumference 36.5cm
Mum, dad and big sista's are doing well. Vania is at Birthcare in Parnell. Visiting hours are from 2pm - 8pm.
Thanks for all the prayers and messages of support
Photos posted below
Baby coco has not officially been named yet, so is still being referred by it's womb name. Stay tuned for details.
Baby weighed 4.555kg which is 10.1 lbs
Length 57cm
Head Circumference 36.5cm
Mum, dad and big sista's are doing well. Vania is at Birthcare in Parnell. Visiting hours are from 2pm - 8pm.
Thanks for all the prayers and messages of support
Photos posted below
Baby Coco with his new threads
Proud Mum and Dad
He's a big 'un!
Is it me, or is Reuben asleep in the last pic?
You guys look all dressed up and pretty. Not at all like you just had a massive baby Vania :-)
Cant wait to meet him.
YAY!!! Congrats...